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About Leadership Portland Class Projects

A class project is required in which the class participants will provide 2 class project ideas, in accordance with the Class Project Guidelines, to the Steering Committee for approval. The Steering Committee will meet with the Chamber President/CEO for final approval of class project including fundraising efforts and public presentations.

The Portland Texas Chamber Foundation is a 501(c)(3) supporting organization of Leadership Portland, encourages the development of participants to become actively involved in this leadership role within in the community. The class project is designed to help participants develop leadership skills while addressing a real-world issue or need within their community. The project typically encourages individuals to apply the knowledge and tools they've gained in the class to create positive change or support initiatives that benefit the local community.

Your commitment to support Leadership Portland Class Projects is key to growing active leaders in the community. If you'd like to contribute to the current Class Project Fundraising initiative, please follow the link to make an online donation.

Leadership Portland Class Project Purpose

Skill Development

Community Engagement




The projects aim to nurture future leaders who are not only capable but also motivated to contribute to society in meaningful ways.

Class XVIII Project

Previous Class Projects

Class XVII (2023-2024)
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