Types of Committees
The Portland Chamber of Commerce offers a variety of committees to help carry out the Chamber’s mission and business plan. The committee’s below help create the best possible business environment for Portland and the Coastal Bend.
- Ambassadors
- Legislative Committee
- Portland Business Council
- Finance Committee
- Young Business Professionals Committee
- Hotel & Tourism Committee
Get the most out of your membership by joining a committee and turning your ideas into action! Click here to review the Committee Volunteer Expectations.
Our Ambassadors are vital to the Portland Chamber.
The Portland Chamber Ambassadors are an elite group of business professionals who volunteer to serve as the retention and greeting arms of the Chamber. Ambassadors exhibit the highest degree of professionalism, knowledge, and integrity and help new members become acclimated to the Chamber culture.
Mission Statement of Ambassadors of Portland:
To promote and proudly represent the Portland Chamber of Commerce while overseeing the development of Chamber Membership through soliciting new Chamber members and retaining current Chamber members.
- Ambassadors represent the Chamber at ribbon cuttings, luncheons, mixers and other chamber sponsored events.
- Ambassadors assist in the recruitment and orientation of new members.
- Ambassadors maximize the Chamber’s retention efforts through personal contact with members.
- Being an Ambassador is a foundation for building future community leaders.
Young Business Professionals
The Young Business Professionals (YBP) functions as an arm of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. It connects like-minded young professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners, and community leaders, ages 18-40, together to provide opportunities for community involvement and professional growth and development through business mentors and speakers from all levels.
Mission Statement of Young Business Professionals:
To provide ambitious Young Professionals with the opportunity to build relationships,
serve the community, and engage with political, civic, and business leaders.
YBP members work together to:
- Create networking opportunities.
- Provide opportunities for educational, personal and professional development.
- Provide an outlet for volunteer information and opportunities.
- Provide understanding of the community.
- Create and cultivate community leaders.
- Work to grow and sustain our young professional base in Portland.
- Contribute to and enrich the community.
- Develop professional skills.
- Gain leadership experience through committee and Council involvement.
- Experience new and exciting social and business venues throughout the area.
- Network with other young professionals in the United States.
- Offer exposure to our active young professionals.

Portland Business Council
The Portland Business Council (PBC) brings together small to mid-sized business members to discuss common issues and help identify how the Chamber can develop innovative and value-driven programs to meet their needs.
Mission Statement of Portland Business Council:
To sponsor a variety of educational and entertaining events, workshops and forums that assist businesses in their overall performance and ultimately the business climate of our community.
The PBC will:
- Develop annual programs and resources designed to enhance employee recruitment and retention efforts for businesses.
- Facilitate networking series for businesses to educate owners/managers about business-related issues and to build relationships between business members.
- Strengthen the communications between business members and the Chamber.
- Assist businesses with their overall performance by sponsoring and coordinating a variety of educational events, workshops, forums and entertaining gatherings.

Having a healthy work environment can greatly impact the lives of those that live and work in San Patricio County. The Portland Chamber of Commerce values workplace health and is focused on creating and cultivating a culture of health and wellness among the business community and residents of Portland. Through educating employers on the importance and implementation of health and wellness programs, the Healthy Portland campaign strives to produce more productive employees, help attract and retain talent, build staff morale, combat employee absenteeism, minimize staff turnover and reduce healthcare costs for employers.
Mission Statement of Healthy Portland:
Healthy Portland was formed in 2020 as a new initiative of the Portland Chamber of Commerce focused on creating and cultivating a culture of health and wellness among the business community and residents of Portland, Texas. Though educating employers on the importance and implementation of health and wellness programs, the Healthy Portland campaign strives to produce more productive employees, help attract and retain talent, build staff morale, combat employee absenteeism, minimize staff turnover and reduce healthcare costs for employers.
Healthy Portland YouTube Channel
Healthy Portland Recipes
Hotel & Tourism Committee
The purpose of the Hotel & Tourism Committee is to promote and encourage tourism in Portland, Texas through projects, initiatives and/or events that are likely to generate paid overnight stays at more than one establishment. The primary role of the Hotel & Tourism Committee is to serve as an advisory council for the development and execution of the tourism marketing plan to promote tourism in Portland, Texas.
Mission Statement of the Hotel & Tourism Committee:
The mission of the Hotel & Tourism Committee is to be a resource for local companies on ways to increase travel & tourism business. Through social communication online and in person, the council will support the Chamber and its members by conducting educational workshops and webinars, networking forums with industry leaders and a travel and tourism trade show.
Volunteers are in integral part of the Chamber and help to make our events successful. There are several events throughout the year that Volunteers are needed.
Volunteering is a great way to get to know business members and other members of the community.
The Chamber Events can also offer great community service hours for students who may need volunteer hours for school or church organizations. This will also give them exposure to Business Leaders in their community.
Please email chamber@portlandtx.org to sign up to volunteer for an upcoming event.