Level Funding Health Plan Sponsored by Portland Chamber of Commerce
Health & Benefit Plan
Portland Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce in partnership with AHPA a viable solution for employers, the Level Funded Health Plan sponsored by the Portland Chamber of Commerce. The Level Funded Health Plan is governed by Federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and provides nationwide PPO network coverage through several providers. Level funding offers several key advantages over traditional health insurance, including:
- Lower Fixed Costs: Most businesses realize immediate monthly savings.
- Lower Claims Costs: If claims are lower than expected, you would enjoy even greater savings.
- Limited Risk: Stop-loss insurance protects you against individual or total claims exceeding your annual budget.

Self-funding offers several key advantages over traditional health insurance, including:
Lower Fixed Costs: Most businesses realize immediate monthly savings.
Lower Claims Costs: If claims are lower than expected, you would enjoy even greater savings.
Limited Risk: Stop-loss insurance protects you against individual or total claims exceeding your annual budget.
Are you an employer with at least two (2) covered employees and looking for a creative, cost effective solution? Learn about the Level Funded Health Plan by Portland Chamber of Commerce by calling (214)-697-2622 or emailing Charlie Terrell at charlie@highlandparkinsurance.com.